It’s time to reclaim your LIFE, so that you live your truth!


Do you ever get the feeling that you want more freedom in your life, but you’re not quite sure how to get there?


You know there is more to life, but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is yet … something is calling you, and you are ready to explore.

Sometimes it’s hard to figure who you are without all the hats you wear. You want to live life from a brave, courageous and fully expressed part of you.

You’re in a bit of a rut, you can’t really complain, but something is just not quite right….

You’re in the right place!


Hello and Welcome! I’m Ella

A Freedom Coach.

I help, support and cheerlead people that have outsourced their wisdom, uniqueness and sense of self how to reclaim powerful identity, self belief & confidence. So that they can live a life they love on all levels, show up powerfully in their relationships and follow their deepest desires.

I’ve developed my work on my system of utilising all levels of our human experience - mind, breath, energy, emotions and spirit to help my clients uncover their personal power, gifts and individuality through Coaching, Conspire Breathwork, Human Design, Reiki and a little bit of my Projector magic.

When you choose you first - EVERYTHING changes!

If you are ready to do the unglamorous but essential inner work that enables you to reclaim you life so you can live your truth then take the next step and check out ways we can work together.


We can't solve a problem with the same thinking that created it - Albert Einstein


We can't solve a problem with the same thinking that created it - Albert Einstein 〰️


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An idea for community and togetherness born out of the lockdown which started in 2020 has been reimagined, updated and brought back to life in the Vitality Membership as of June 2024.

In order for you to lean into the vibe of this space let’s go back to the very beginning, to where it all started in the Breakfast Club, May 2020. 

The Herstory that Came Before

When I created the Breakfast Club, I had NO idea what it would become.

In my mind the Breakfast Club was simply an online space to come together and breathe. 

The planet was thrown into a situation that embedded us deeply in the wildness of the unknown. So many changes to life as we knew it were unfolding daily, all fuelled by fear. 

Breathwork provided us a space to heal, to calm the collectively overstimulated nervous system and to integrate emotions so that we could meet the challenges the world was bringing our way. 

It was a much needed lifeline. 

Home school, work from home, no work, how to work, where was the money going to come? All of these considerations became amplified in daily thought. 

Things we had never had to consider to such depths, on short notice, all together, suddenly became the real time realities playing out in our daily activities and they needed real time solutions.

So we came together, as one, online, from all corners of the earth.  

We met 3 times a week, at the start of the (UK) day to bring some peace, solace, a haven from the storms raging around us. 

We said yes to connection, community, solidarity, reclaiming ease, reclaiming composure, choosing self responsibility over everything else. 

It hadn’t intentionally set it out to be this way, but it was destined to be women coming together to be seen, witnessed, held, expressed, acknowledged, understood, celebrated, cared for, accepted and made to feel a part of something good, something that could help us be more of who we truly were, something that helped bring us closer to living our truth in the most challenging of times. 

The women who came together to breathe, and to start their day focused on being there for themselves first so they could be there for others also came together to be there for one another. 

To be a community of truth, support and accountability.

It was something we did not know that we needed but it made sense that this powerful circle of women was also a big part of our collective and individual healing.

During this time between May 2020 and May 2023 I continued to learn through my own process, the experience of losing my father and the death of the father of my children the greatest depths we can experience in life as a human being. And what I kept seeing time after time was the difference it made to me being able to have conscious practices that held me whilst the unavoidable experiences in life unfolded.

The highs, the lows, the hard times and confusion, all the ways that we try to find answers and ways to continue to show up in our lives especially when it feels particularly testing.

I began to join certain dots that had not seemed as obvious before. I began to see the patterns over and over again and this helped me grow through the wisdom and guidance that revealed itself to me. It became clearer to me what I needed to do to open up to life as it moved on from the shift the new decade had brought with it, and I wanted to share it in my work.

WHOLE School - A New Way Forward

WHOLE School was born in September 2023 as a space to develop on the community sharing space that the Breakfast Club made available whilst intentionally creating our lives by plugging into understanding the way all of our humanity impacts our life experience and by bringing better ways to work with all that we are we are then able to: 

  • Cultivate resilience so that when hardships arise we have ways to understand how we are affected and how we can still show up in our lives

  • Learn how to work with our breath, bodies, emotions, energy and minds to integrate what has kept us fragmented and in inner conflict and move into an experience of being WHOLE

  • Create more accountability of the life cycles we go through so that we can live with more intention 

  • Have a regular place to plug into our inner world and do the work needed to clean up discord and disconnection

I have loved being in this space and yet in true 3 line fashion (I’m a 3/5 profile in Human Design) it’s time for things to move forward just a little into the Vitality Membership.

Vitality Membership - the Evolution 

Working with the new offerings brought into WHOLE School I am now eager to evolve the information I bring as well as the way I bring it in.

The Vitality Membership allows me more freedom to bring in a wider range of topics. 

I am creating more freedom in the way that conversations and points of reflection are available. 

I want to bring more depth to the teachings that are on offer here.

I want the intentional creation of freedom, growth, evolution and choice to be the energetic inspiration for bringing more aliveness to the container AND to our lives whilst also:

  • Continuing to make an affordable offer 

  • Making support, guidance and accountability and a welcoming, judgement free zone the underpinning values of the membership

  • Bringing more information and practices to help you learn about you and how to be more of you

  • Tapping into your self empowerment and freedom

  • Encouraging you to lead yourself as a conscious creator

  • Filling in some of the blanks that may have been missing for you about how to most effortlessly make changes in your life

  • Make feeling good in your life the focus and bring everything else into alignment with that

  • Making Conspire Breathwork a tangible part of wellbeing, maintenance and profound change

  • Show you how understanding yourself and integrating all the things that are disconnected brings more life to your life

  • Share value - if you're not ready for closer proximity offers - you still get access to amazing ideas, conversations, connection and teaching that moves the needle in your life

  • Fostering a way for us to be connected wherever we are in the world, you have a space to be seen and supported, you're not in this alone

What is in the Vitality Membership for £33 a month?

  • Wednesday morning Breakfast Club Conspire Breathwork sessions - 6:30 - 7:15 am - start the day on you first and see what that brings for you

  • The Monthly Energetic projection session to consciously focus on what you desire in the coming month

  • 2 Saturday morning breathing sessions 8 - 9am

  • 1 Thursday evening breathing session 8-9pm

  • 1 Sunday Morning Coaching Session 10 - 11am

  • A library of recorded sessions for you to revisit from any device 

  • Additional sessions to build on the themes and teachings being shared also available in the library

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
— Dr Wayne Dyer

The Life of your dreams is waiting for you


The Life of your dreams is waiting for you 〰️


M, a Case Study

I worked with M over 2 sets of 12 week 1:1 containers to address chronic anxiety and panic attacks.  They prevented her from attending work, inhibiting her from fully enjoying a social life and stopped her from travelling. Additional challenges M included difficulty sleeping, suicidal thoughts, physical pain in her stomach and compromised eating.

The sessions combined breath work and coaching to regulate M’s nervous system and integrate unresolved emotion and trauma stored in the body. Opening up her breath promoted parasympathetic activation, energy and ease in her body as well as being an effective tool in reducing physical symptoms of anxiety. Energy consciousness embodiment, mindset challenging and pivoting, thought awareness, spiritual and self development and growth and future conscious creation guidance helped M to understand how to raise present moment awareness to manage unconscious anxious feelings. Homework assignments were given to on the work in the sessions, expanding perception and accelerating empowerment.

M was able to drift off to sleep, she no longer had paralysing suicidal thoughts, she returned to work full time without having panic attacks or overwhelming anxiety. The physical pain in her stomach had gone, she found the courage to be able to express herself both in the workplace and personal relationships and they both flourished. Her social life was restored and she was able to not only travel much more freely but she was enjoying the unknown adventures that travel presented her with. Her disordered eating found a healthful resolution and she generally found more ease, flow and joy in life. As well as creating significant resolutions with the challenges that M presented with when starting sessions, she also expanded and manifested experiences she was unable to imagine at the start. The sessions completely turned her experience of life around as well as expanded it beyond anything she has thought possible.


what clients are saying…

beautiful people who are saying yes to life! this could be you too….

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
— John Milton

Ask me anything right here👇🏼

People who need help sometimes look a lot like people who don’t need help.
— Glennon Doyle

we can connect

to suit your lifestyle and location.

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.
— John Lennon

the tools of my trade…

Meeting you where you are and guiding you to your dreams. every step of the way.

Passion is energy. Feel the power of focusing on what excites you.
— Oprah Winfrey

start here & unravel a deeper sense of who you are with human design

Human Design - the Science of Differentiation shared with the world in 1987 by Ra Uru Hu shows us who we are uniquely, energetically designed to be. By knowing what our specific unique gifts are and living in alignment with them we make life more easy and abundant. Using a synthesis of the ancient wisdom of Western Astrology, The I-Ching, The Chakra System, The Kabbalah with quantum physics in Human Design we can understand ourselves and those we love on a profound level.


energy blueprint - a book of you!

This could change your life…

Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.
— Lao Tzu
Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.
— George Addair